Jordan Yates

Jordan Yates
Jordan Yates is a Marketing Engineer at Knowles Precision Devices. Her specialty is understanding capacitors in Power Electronics. She holds a mechanical engineering degree with additional experience in Automation and Oil & Gas.  

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Why Bidirectional Charging for EVs Requires Special Attention to Design

Posted by Jordan Yates on May 10, 2023 8:45:00 AM

As interest and adoption increase in the electric vehicle (EV) arena, associated technologies are advancing quickly. Batteries are becoming more powerful and charging infrastructure is increasingly robust and efficient. With all these advancements, EV batteries are good for more than powering cars on the road.

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Topics: Capacitor, Electric Vehicles

Selecting Capacitors for High-Voltage X-Ray Power Supplies

Posted by Jordan Yates on Apr 12, 2023 9:15:00 AM

As the backbone of the X-ray machine, X-ray tubes produce the radiation that generates the electromagnetic waves known as the “X-ray.” This is done by using a high voltage to accelerate the electrons released by a hot cathode to a high velocity. Those electrons then collide with the anode, which is a metal target usually made of tungsten. This process requires an input voltage typically ranging from 180 to 480 VAC with a power supply that transforms and steps up the voltage to extremely high voltage outputs ranging from 10kV and 120kV DC. A high-level diagram of the power supply required to power the X-ray tubes is shown in Figure 1. 

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Topics: Capacitor, Medical, Filtering

High-Performance Capacitors to Meet the Needs of Demanding Aerospace and Defense Applications

Posted by Jordan Yates on Mar 22, 2023 8:45:00 AM

From military aircraft to electronic warfare defense systems, aerospace and defense applications are placing new demands on their power electronics. Defense electronics systems must function reliably for their lifetime while operating at higher voltages and wider temperature ranges, and all while becoming smaller, lighter, and consuming less power.

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Topics: Capacitor, Military and Aerospace, High Reliability

What are Flying Capacitors?

Posted by Jordan Yates on Mar 15, 2023 8:15:00 AM

As demand for high-efficiency and high-power-density inverters continues to grow, the so-called “flying” capacitor multilevel inverter is emerging as a strong choice for many power electronics systems. Since these capacitors can “float” to different electric potentials depending on the connected semiconductor switching structure and state, they help balance out voltage level differences due to manufacturing tolerances, temperature variations, and other factors. These capacitors are also helpful in balancing voltage across the structure by temporarily storing and releasing energy as needed, increasing power density and quality, and optimizing the use of existing voltage availability.

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Topics: Capacitor

Resonant Capacitors: Your Key to Building Stable and Reliable Wireless EV Charging Technology

Posted by Jordan Yates on Jan 18, 2023 8:45:00 AM

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption for both consumer and commercial purposes rapidly grows, so does the need for a more widespread, and faster, charging infrastructure. While we’ve seen vast improvements in charging technology in the last few years, as additional regulations on combustion vehicles are implemented and reliance on EVs increases, further EV charging innovations are needed. Currently, wireless charging is the newest EV charging technology evolving. 

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Topics: News and Events, Automotive, Electric Vehicles

Understanding the Differences Between Pacemakers and ICDs

Posted by Jordan Yates on Nov 9, 2022 8:45:00 AM

For more than 3 million people in the United States, pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are life-changing technology they rely on. While both devices are implantable medical devices designed to improve the quality of life for people with heart arrhythmia, a condition where the heart beats irregularly, each devices serve a different purpose.

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Meeting the Unique Design Requirements for Leadless Pacemaker Electrical Components

Posted by Jordan Yates on Aug 31, 2022 8:45:00 AM

Today, millions of people around the world rely on pacemakers to help regulate their heart’s rhythm. A traditional pacemaker usually consists of a pulse generator that is about the size of a tea bag and implanted under the skin near the collarbone, and a wire, or lead, that runs through a blood vessel to the heart. The end of the lead has an electrode on it that touches the heart wall to deliver electrical impulses. However, in the last decade, innovations in pacemaker technology have led to the introduction of a new style of pacemaker, known as the leadless pacemaker, that is about 1/10th the size of a traditional pacemaker, or about the size of a vitamin (Figure 1).

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Topics: Capacitor, Medical, High Reliability

A Guide to Snubber Capacitor Selection for SiC-Based Switching Converters

Posted by Jordan Yates on May 11, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Today, most converter circuits now include semiconductors and switches made of silicon carbide (SiC) instead of plain old silicon (Si). This is because when silicon and carbon are combined, the resulting material, SiC, has excellent mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties. Therefore, SiC-based converters can handle voltages up to 10 times greater than converters using just Si while also offering lower losses. These characteristics make these converters an excellent option for applications such as power electronics, industrial devices, and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. In this post, we dive into the advantages of using snubber circuits to protect SiC-based converters and discuss how to further increase these efficiencies by focusing on capacitor selection.

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Insights Into Precision Passive Devices

Knowles Precision Devices is a premier global source for Capacitors, RF Filters, EMI Filters, Resonators, non-magnetic components and advanced dielectric materials. An umbrella for the brands of Compex, DLI, Johanson MFG, Novacap, Syfer and Voltronics, Knowles Precision Devices serves a variety of markets including military, aerospace/avionics, medical equipment, implantable devices, EMI and connector filtering, oil exploration, instrumentation, industrial electronics, automotive, telecoms and data networks.

This Blog will provide insights into:

  • Filters for 5G and mmWave
  • Capacitors for High Voltage
  • Capacitors for High Reliability

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