Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Knowles Precision Devices has stayed focused on our primary goal of helping our customers address their most challenging application needs by providing high-performance components and innovative solutions. While 2021 did offer some unique challenges, overall, it was an exceptional year for our business. This is because even though all the unprecedented circumstances we saw in 2020, we were able to quickly adapt our business, making us really well positioned heading into 2021. As a result, this year was one of our best growth years to date.
Wrapping Up 2021 with Knowles Precision Devices’ President Chris Dugan
Topics: News and Events
Knowles Acquires IMC to Expand Filtering Offering from the VHF to Ka Bands
We are pleased to announce that the Knowles Corporation recently acquired Integrated Microwave Corporation (IMC), a leader in the design and manufacture of custom precision RF microwave filters and multiplexers for the aerospace, defense, and communications industries. With this acquisition, the Knowles Precision Devices Microwave group can now offer a complete range of RF and microwave filtering solutions that support applications from the VHF to the Ka band. In addition to the small, temperature-stable filters our customers have come to know us for, we can now deliver ceramic and cavity filters for lower frequency and/or higher power applications. The full range of the IMC filter technologies we now offer is shown in the graphic below.
Topics: News and Events, RF and Microwave
From the C Band to the V Band: A Year of Big RF Spectrum Changes in the US
Looking back, 2020 was a year full of big changes regarding how RF spectrum is allocated in the US. Led by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), multiple portions of the spectrum ranging from the C band to the V band were either opened to new uses and/or auctioned to new users throughout the year. These changes are driving a variety of new opportunities for wireless device manufacturers and broadband and cellular carriers, which is resulting in a range of exciting new challenges for RF technology vendors to help solve.
Topics: 5G, News and Events, RF and Microwave
How a $5 Capacitor Turned Into a $1 Billion Problem
In mission-critical applications, additional screening and testing is required to ensure that only the most robust parts make it to the finished product. Preventative measures, like high quality standards, lessen the possibility of failure in the field and minimize the likelihood of astronomical downstream costs.
Topics: Capacitor, News and Events, Military and Aerospace, High Reliability